Top Roller Solutions

We have a top roller module to suit all your conveyor solution needs.

The rollers are braked during transport which ensures safety and security of goods and people. For further safety, there are built-in barriers to protect fingers from being caught in the rollers.

All ROEQ Top Rollers work together with the ROEQ GuardCom System.

All ROEQ Top Rollers come with ROEQ Assist Software, for faster and consistent set up.

GuardCom System

GuardCom will revolutionize the way your AMRs transfer goods between stationary conveyor stations.

There are three types of built-in optical sensors:

Position sensors

ensure that packages are only leaving or on-boarding the top roller when the robot is positioned correctly in front the stationary conveyor station

Front cargo sensors

monitor packages leaving and on-boarding the top roller. Ensure that packages are safely on board before the robot takes off and during transport

Rear cargo sensors

detect and prevent packages from rolling off the top roller. Prevent the robot from driving if packages are not correctly placed

Automatic and manual Top roller

For MiR600 and MiR1350

Top modules

TR600 & TR1150

TR600 & TR1150

TR1000 auto

TR1000 Auto


GuardCom System

GuardCom System

Docking Stations


DS Standalone

Automatic and manual Top roller

For MiR250

Top Modules

TR125 Manual 250

TR 125 Auto 250


GuardCom System

GuardCom System

Docking Stations


DS Standalone

manual Top roller

For MiR100

Top Modules


TR125 Manual


GuardCom System

GuardCom System

Docking Stations


DS Standalone

Revolutionize the way your AMRs transfer goods

GuardCom System

GuardCom will revolutionize the way your AMRs transfer goods between your robot with ROEQ top roller and all stationary conveyor stations.

Instead of relying on unstable wifi connections, GuardCom connects directly to your ROEQ top roller and the stationary conveyor station. The handshake between GuardCom and the AMR is wireless and based on proven, robust sensor technology. It enables safe, secure, reliable and cost-effective handling and transfer of goods between AMRs and conveyor stations. Since communication happens directly between ROEQ’s GuardCom system, ROEQ top rollers on AMRs and stationary conveyor stations, you don’t need any complicated implementation or 3rd party systems.

ROEQ product compatibility:
All ROEQ Top Rollers

GuardCom: Mounted on any stationary conveyor station

GuardCom Connect: Mounted on the ROEQ top roller

GuardCom System

MiR Robot Compatibility

The Top Roller Solutions work with

MiR 100

MiR 200


MiR 250

MiR 500/600


MiR 1000/1350


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