ROEQ helps MiR flex the power of their own robots

Case study

ROEQ, a young Danish company making mobile robotic equipment for autonomous mobile robots (AMR) helped MiR use their own robots to automate internal logistics on their production line. Using ROEQ’s easily programmed MiR-compatible top modules, carts, and docking stations, MiR is able to use their robots to deliver supplies to the human workers safely and efficiently.  

In the MiR solution, there are two workflows – in one, the robot drives to the delivery area to get topped up with fasteners and the other, it drives back to the various workstations, so the flexibility of the robots and the equipment really shines. Fully loaded with new fasteners, the ROEQ equipment takes care of the goods, while the robot safely navigates the production floor, safely delivering the goods to the workers, just when they need them.  

“MiR guarantees that the robot, including top modules, goes from A to B, and then taking care of the goods is in the hands of ROEQ,” says Jacob Bebe, Director of Sales at MiR. “ROEQ makes a lot of top platforms that all fit the various MiR robots, and the ROEQ software fits completely with the MiR software, so it’s basically a type of plug & play software that makes it very, very easy for our partners to integrate at the end customers’ sites.” 

ROEQ, part of the flourishing Danish robotics cluster on the island of Funen, was founded in 2017 and has the ambition is to become the leading global manufacturer of well-engineered, easy-to-use standard mobile robotic equipment to turn your autonomous mobile robot into a powerful, flexible, multi-tasking worker.


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