Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Mar 28 - 31 2022
- Time: All Day
MODEX 2022, Atlanta March 28-31 2022
Meet the ROEQ team at MODEX 2022, stand B3003 and discuss your logistics challenges. Here you will be able to see our products in action, and learn about the benefits of Mobile Robotic Equipment for your autonomous mobile robots such as MiR. The team will be happy to show you solutions for transporting and transferring loads to suit your factory or warehouse set up. See our cart, lifter and roller/conveyor solutions and hear how they can improve efficiency and safety, and how these out-of- box mobile robotic equipment can save time and money.
The ROEQ TML200 – a versatile lifter solution for the MiR250. It can carry carts or pallets.
The ROEQ TR125 and award winning ROEQ GuardCom for improved efficiency and safety when transferring to conveyor systems.
The ROEQ TMS-C1500 Cart solution for the large MiR robots. Capable of transporting loads up to 3300lbs (1500kg)
All ROEQ top modules come with ROEQ safety software and ROEQ Assist for safe, easy and quicker set up.