Virtual Event
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 05 2020
- Time: 03:00 - 04:00
Basic Training – Technical Introduction (ID#TI11)
Presentation of the ROEQ product line, with a technical perspective. A technical introduction to ROEQ products, how they work and how they are integrated into the MiR interface for easy usage. This presentation can be followed without any ROEQ equipment at hand.
Who should sign up?
- Anyone who is interested in ROEQ solutions
Learning Topics
- Overview of TM products (TMC300, TMC300e, TML150, TMR150, TMS-C300ext.)
- Technology in ROEQ Top Modules
- Overview of TR products (TR125, TR500, TR1000)
- Technology in ROEQ Top Rollers
- ROEQ Safety configuration
- Designed with safety in mind
- ROEQ Docking Stations
Assumed Skills and Knowledge
- Basic knowledge of the MiR robots
- 60 min